In order to create appropriate business conditions for new ventures, empirically founded, broad and continuously updated knowledge is necessary. With the Mannheim Start-Up Panel an instrument which meets these requirements is available. The Mannheim Start-Up Panel is a project of the ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research in cooperation with the credit rating agency Creditreform. From 2014 on, it continues to offer the work previously provided by KfW/ZEW’s Start-Up Panel. It accompanies the development of start-ups for several years and provides a wide range of firm-specific information. Each year approximately 5,000 firms are interviewed telephonically. The basis of the annual surveys is a stratified random sample of the Mannheim Enterprise Panel (Mannheimer Unternehmenspanel, MUP) which contains all economically active firms in Germany. The stratification criteria are the sector and the year of foundation. The stratification of the sample enables sector-specific analyses for the small but economically important group of high-tech start-ups as well as for recently founded firms from the non-technology-intensive sectors. The Mannheim Start-Up Panel, which is surveyed and analysed annually, shall improve the information basis for new venture funding, stimulate research on new ventures in Germany, and make data available to external researchers.